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There is more Impact Travel info on Belles Architecture’s Website

Writer's picture: Lynn Lundstrom BellesLynn Lundstrom Belles

There are additional posts on our Belles Architecture site about Architecture and Travel.  We posted there because the content is about construction & architecture!  I hope you will check them out!  Click any Title or Image below to be re-directed to the full post.

You want me to “WORK” on my Vacation?

No one dares say it – but it’s written all over their faces when we tell them about the new cruise line “fathom” and “Impact + Travel” Vacations!

fathom travel impact activity

One of the Impact Activities that Architect Rob chose was pouring a concrete floor in a family’s home!  Naturally……

I mean we know what you are thinking, because most of you are not booking!  That’s why the price is so appealing…  But what would be wrong with doing one day of work in an exotic place during your 7 Day Luxurious Vacation?  1. You might teach something. 2. You will learn something.  3. You will help someone. While traveling deep into a culture engaging with it’s real people.  When are you ever going to get a chance to do that?  “fathom” makes all the arrangements and even gives you a comfortable ride there.  The best part is that it is included in the cruise fare which because it is fathom’s launch year is WAY below market rate.    Instead of dropping the price at the last minute – it has now been stabilized through May!


Set pricing makes it easier to plan ahead!!   If you’re looking for something nice to do, in the Winter, or Spring, give us a call today!

Posted by Rob Belles – October 1st, 2016

ATTENTION all Architects, Contractors, Tradesmen, and Builders. Professional or Weekend Warriors. This is Not Building Trades Concrete WORK, it’s Voluntourism!

Once you read this I hope you will be inspired to try fathom Impact +Travel. It is an opportunity to have a great vacation and USE your skills to give back and truly Impact the lives of grateful people.

fathom impact travel and pricing

This chart shows which weeks fathom goes to the Dominican Republic and to Cuba.  Dominican Republic is Blue, Cuba is White!  If you are looking to get out of dodge….  this is a great opportunity to relax in serenity and find your inner peace!

Posted by Rob Belles – October 7th, 2016

During our last visit to Puerto Plata we really enjoyed the Dominican Architecture!  What do you think of when someone says the word “Architecture”?  Grand? Fancy? Skyscrapers? Mansions? these are all correct but, there is also “Humble Architecture”, the small homes built by squatters, taking a life time to complete.  During our last visit to the Puerto Plata region of the Dominican Republic we had the pleasure of touring, seeing, and working in the beautiful, humble architecture, hand built by the Dominican People!

Home in Dominican Neighborhood

Since the door is open it means someone is home.  Having flowers or a fruit tree is added value!  I wonder if the concrete vault is a grave or a cistern…..

Rob and I have experienced two fathom cruises to the Dominican Republic.  We traveled in May and October of 2016.  We will go again, for the Impact Activities that we still have not done.  They are included in the fare!!  Each time there has been a school group of students on board!  Which really makes me hopeful, because our youth is our future.  It is so important to travel so that you can understand your fellow man just a little bit better!

When you live in a place where there is never a Winter, you can not freeze to death.  You don’t have to save because money grows on trees! The mangoes, coconuts and bananas are like grocery money, so you don’t have to plan ahead by squirreling away nuts, or patching the holes in your home.  You live in the moment and to look at life a little differently, is perfectly normal.

Do you have a group that would enjoy the cultural exchange?  A group that needs a meeting place?  A group that wants to lend a hand?

A group that would LOVE to Give Play & Grow? 

Lynn or Rob Belles can be reached daily at 815-516-0300 They love to answer your questions about fathom Impact Travel!




25 years, 6 Continents and 49 Countries. With or Without kids. Young at Heart, Empty Nesters, Self Employed Architects! We have spent nearly NINE Months of our lives at SEA - and we aren't even retired yet!  When we cruise we work remotely. We work remotely just a little, so we can Cruise! Learn about Destinations, Activities, and how to SCORE the best value for your budget without anyone noticing that you are gone!

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