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Your Cruise Vacation Experts Architect Rob & Lynn

Brand Architect - Consulting Fee


In 2014 we decided to share our deepest passions! Travel and Cruising!!


Architect Rob, and Wife Lynn are the people at Belles Firm of Architecture – who love to Cruise in the Winter! When it gets COLD here in the Chicagoland area, our Architecture business slows down a bit.

We have been to so many awesome places that we decided it was time to help others do the same.

Mark Twain said it best:

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.

Mark Twain

We’ve cruised in the Caribbean, the Atlantic & Pacific, the Mediterranean and even the Nile and Amazon Rivers! We have visited most Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Italy, Spain, Portugal to name as many as come to mind –  We even #traveldeep on a Social Impact Cruise to the Dominican Republic and on a “People to People” journey to Cuba!  Join us here to learn what it means to Travel Like an Architect™


As Architects we are problem solvers – we over think everything but you are sure to benefit from our thoughts and creative ideas! Here at our Blog we are talking about all aspects of our travel – our inside secrets and common practices, including everything from packing to where to go and what to do when you get there! We have swum in an underground cave where the first Pirates of the Caribbean was filmed and we have spent 5 days in a row on the ship without sight of land.. We bring back ALL kinds of unique souvenirs – But the most precious thing we have is our memories……….


We are the Gemini Twins!  Not only do we share our home, our job, and our play time, we also share our birthdays!  We are best friends who value our time together the most!  We love wine and tequila, in a healthy sort of way..  We love to dance in a nightclub or sit and enjoy romantic music at the piano bar. We always dress our best – Architect Rob actually owns his own tuxedo (when needed) and Lynn collects bikinis and dresses…..  When we cruise we can almost forget about everything, just be ourselves – – – we come back new, time and time again…  We want to teach you about this near and dear practice we have – Travel Like an Architect™, what it means, why and how we do it.  How to see the world in a more meaningful way, without breaking the bank!


We travel to get away and to be together, to learn and to teach, to experience and become wise, to turn off the news and ignore the clock, to connect to the world in a peaceful way all while leaving a bit of our wealth with someone else who needs it more than we do.  We know you could do this too or we wouldn’t be promoting it.  Go ahead step out of your comfort zone and dream a little then let us show you just how affordable your dreams really are!


When you are ready to start shopping or ready to book a cruise – REACH OUT - and we can help.  Call Lynn at 815-516-0300, Call Rob at 815-961-0504, or send us an email using the tab at the top of the page.


They will help make the perfect match between you, a ship and journey…. EVERY time……



25 years, 6 Continents and 49 Countries. With or Without kids. Young at Heart, Empty Nesters, Self Employed Architects! We have spent nearly NINE Months of our lives at SEA - and we aren't even retired yet!  When we cruise we work remotely. We work remotely just a little, so we can Cruise! Learn about Destinations, Activities, and how to SCORE the best value for your budget without anyone noticing that you are gone!

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Travel Like an Architect™ (815) 516-0300 | WEB DESIGN BY RHM

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