There is one thing I don’t have a shortage of, and that is Custom Gift IDEAS!
I’ve always been known for my creativity. I usually have multiple projects going at once.
Some that I never finish… sound familiar?
Making things with my hands is my favorite. But recently I discovered that I love to write!
Since my grandson has EVERYTHING I needed to create a really unique custom gift.
He is only two.
If he didn’t quite have everything before his second birthday – he for sure would after.
He was born two days before Christmas! What could I possibly give this kid?
The house is full of cars and trucks. He even has a play kitchen!
I had an IDEA!
I decided I would begin to collect Art for him. It would look cute hanging in his room, and he would really appreciate it later in life.
I would buy real art – nice art – something that was worth saving!
We picked up this decorated stone tablet in an Alabaster shop near the Valley of the Kings, at Luxor Egypt.
$50 – and it was PERFECT!
It is childish in appearance, matched his room, and was very Egyptian looking.
An authentic piece of stone from the Valley of the Kings and Queens!
For a little fun right now – I would write him a story book about the travel experience that surrounded the art, and use a scan of the piece for the cover.
I set out to write about our whole trip to Egypt, but quickly determined that it would be TOO LONG!
So I decided to focus on our Camel Ride at the Pyramids of Giza.
I called the book “We Didn’t See a Spotted Horse – But We Rode a Camel” and created it online at Snapfish.
I chose snapfish because the online app allowed me to use my own photos with a full bleed off the page. If you are not in the printing or graphic design business, a “full bleed” means that the photo image fills the whole page without a line or border. The photo actually bleeds off the page. This was the look I had in mind for my first book using vacation photos with words typed on top.
Snapfish made it EASY!
I got a perfect bound hard cover book – 8″ x 8″.
It reminded me of a Little Golden Book, but was a completely custom gift, written especially for my Grandson!
Vacation photos are perfect! Since he is still little, he will enjoy the books even more because he recognizes the people in the story.
Since we are travel professionals and bloggers, our photos come from unique places all over the world.
We hope this custom gift will inspire him to travel when he grows up.
He will enjoy the story book for years to come. I hope he will begin to look forward to a new book and story each year.
It makes a perfect gift for him because no one can buy him one in a store!
I hope that my writing skills will grow with him and I will be able to keep writing something of interest as he grows.
Then try your hand at writing your own!
Need the Vacation to take the photos? Give us a call I am sure we can help you put together something.