This evening Rob and I leave on our 2018 Windstar Caribbean Cruise. I just wanted to post this – and remind you that when we are traveling to follow us in Social Media – and HERE at our Traveling Blog that is more mobile friendly than this one!
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Be sure to click Follow over on the Right to be notified of new posts! You can also google our trip hashtag to see what is out there online. We will do our best to tag all of our social posts with
Below you will find our marketing brochure for the trip that we are on. It’s officially too late to come along this time but follow along and get inspired to accompany us next time!
We are planning to enjoy the ship, that is completely powered by the wind. At every sail away they play the theme song from 1492, Conquest of Paradise, while they unfurl the sails. We will wine and dine, explore new islands above and below the water. Rob and I will do our first open water scuba dives! Thanks to Dan Johnson of Loves Park Scuba, I too am qualified! Dan squeezed me in at the last minute. I finished my course work at 9:30 this morning. Rob took his class several weeks ago – it was something he had always wanted to do… I didn’t feel the same way, so I declined the opportunity. But as soon as I figured out that I was going to be left out of the Scuba Diving fun during our treasured vacations – I changed up my mind. (oops – sorry to be a pita Rob)
Two weeks on this baby should be just what the doctor ordered for rest and relaxation. I think we have worked every day since our Egypt trip in September. I think we earned a cruise, don’t you? I hope you are starting to think that you earned a cruise too! Just give us a call when we return and we will help you find the perfect one! We will be back in the office on February 12, 2018 815-516-0300
Meanwhile – be sure you are subscribed HERE at the Traveling Blog and settle in to enjoy our trip. We will share with you every chance we get!