While some are only taking a road trip, others are flying half way around the world to spend the holidays with family. For some the journey is long, so they have to sacrifice time with one side of their family to spend it with the other. Frequently families alternate years to visit her familiy or his.
We never had to do that because my family all lived in our town. But my husband's family has always lived one domestic flight away. Even so we spent Christmas with my family AND his.
Here is how we did it:
When our kids were little we balanced spending holiday time
with each family, by flying on Christmas Day.

Not only did we save money, by flying on the day when everyone else was already at their destination, but we got to spend Christmas Eve with my family before leaving, and when we arrived at Rob's parents, it was still Christmas. The travel day, December 25th was just kind of magically erased. The kids didn't notice. Upon arrival in Texas it seemed like a second Christmas Eve, and they awakened in the morning to Santa Gifts under the tree on December 26th (we asked Santa to deliver to our kids LAST).
The remainder of our trip was spent sight seeing in the Texas and New Mexico sun.
On the filp side, we would book the MOST popular return flight home. The airline usually over sold the flight and would offer airline cash vouchers, at the gate, for someone willing to give up their seat and travel the next day instead. Boy were they happy when our family of four came forward. It was easy for us. We could just stay an additional night at my inlaws house, and make a little money to use on the next trip. I mean a couple hundred bucks times four, is significant. The airline gained FOUR seats in one deal. Since we have always been self employed no one had to be back to work. One extra day off was just fine..
Just sharing the idea because it always worked well for us.
I personally think that it would be MOST fun, if everyone could travel to be together for a special holiday. No one would have to sacrifice, or alternate years. A Cruise ship is the perfect place to meet up - the more the merrier, and something for everyone! Skip the gift exchange and spend the money on the experience. It would be much easier. It would be fun and relaxing for everyone!
Talk about it this year while your family is together. Cruise ships sail almost anywhere there is WATER! There is now TWO YEARS of pent up demand in the industry - and the future is BOOKING UP! Pick a place that everyone can get to, and shop for a cruise that departs from there. Google Search "us cruise ports map" to see the options!
We hope that you were able to travel to where ever it is that you want to be this year.
We wish you safe traveles throughout 2022. I got a feeling 22 is going to be a good year.
May the Holidays bring you all that is needed for 2022
Peace - Joy - Love - Song - Dance
Great Music and the return of Cruising!
Lynn and Rob Belles
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