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Brand Architect – Consulting Fee

Brand Architect - Consulting Fee


Consulting Fee Explained.  All travel reviews are the result of a full Brand Experience.  Because there is no substitute for being there; for seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching, for the process’s, the feelings, the moods, and the emotions generated by the experience.  Only after the full experience, can we do our job.  We empower you to eliminate ALL potential disappointment!


We only work as a team.

Consulting Fee starts at $2,500 per week for our combined time.

This includes the time that we invest in the Experience that we are reviewing.


During the experience we are “on the clock” 24/7.  We will be paying attention to everything, taking notes and photos. Even getting up in the middle of the night to write things down.  Or sometimes to check things out – you know…  “…things that go bump in the night…“.


After the experience, during the time that we are assembling travel reviews, we work a regular 40 hour work week producing the written report.


What this means to you is:  for a one week experience we would receive $5,000.00 (plus the complimentary experience).  $2,500.00 for the week of the experience, and $2,500.00 for the week of report writing.  That’s a $5,000.00 Consulting Fee for the time and knowledge of TWO professionals spending TWO weeks working for only YOU.  Pretty reasonable, huh?


A one week Experience requires a one week report assembly time.  A two week experience requires two weeks of report assembly time…..  Makes sense, right?  Longer commitments – absolutely.   Contact us to discuss.



Sometimes people ask – when do you sleep?  

Answer: Our subconscious minds never stop working.



Our MINIMUM experience time commitments are as follows:



Hotel Reviews – within the Continental United States – 5 day / 4 night Experience - NOT currently available


Resort Vacation Reviews – Non-U.S. Vacation Destinations only – 7 Night Experience - NOT currently available


Cruise Vacation Reviews – Sailing from any U.S. Port – 5 or 7 Night Experience - WE have the most expertise in Cruise Vacations!


Cruise Vacation Reviews – Not sailing from a U.S. Port – 14 Night Experience- WE have the most expertise in Cruise Vacations!



Each experience is individually assessed for complexity as compared to the desired outcome – we reserve the right to refuse work that is too complex for the deadline of completion.  In other words, we can not thoroughly review your thousand-room resort in a 7-night stay. The desired outcome must be in balance with the investment of time.


Contact us to schedule a call to discuss the complexity of your project.  

Email –


After speaking with you we will assemble a custom detailed proposal and contract for services.  Just sign and return!


An “up front” payment equal to the rate calculated for the desired length of our experience commitment, will be required, prior to commencement of the trip.  This amount is intended to cover the development of our blueprint plan for your project.


Final Payment for services is due and payable upon completion of work and transfer of report documents to the client.


In short 50/50 – 50% before and 50% at project completion.


A Vacation Review is Cheap – but disappointment costs a Fortune!



25 years, 6 Continents and 49 Countries. With or Without kids. Young at Heart, Empty Nesters, Self Employed Architects! We have spent nearly NINE Months of our lives at SEA - and we aren't even retired yet!  When we cruise we work remotely. We work remotely just a little, so we can Cruise! Learn about Destinations, Activities, and how to SCORE the best value for your budget without anyone noticing that you are gone!

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